About Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition where a person’s ability to metabolize glucose (sugar) is impaired. The blood glucose does not get burned inside the muscles and tissues but rather stays in the blood resulting in high blood sugar levels. If the sugar level is above 150 ml/dl first thing in the morning, that person is diagnosed as being diabetic. Diabetics either have no insulin or insufficient levels which is essential to allow the body to convert sugar in the blood to energy.

Diabetes is a disease that affects the blood vessels. Every organ/tissue in the body depends upon the flow of healthy blood vessels as well as the removal of waste products. Impaired flow within the vessels eventually result in damage to the organs/tissues such as the kidney, heart, nerves and retina. A high concentration of sugar can also lead to fatigue and uncontrollable weight gain.

Cause for Diabetes

  • The type of food consumed that contain high empty calories and refined sugars
  • The typical meal size has increased
  • People are not exercising adequately
  • An increase in the elderly population 

Types of Diabetes

There are two types of diabetes:

  • Type I: This is where the body cannot produce insulin
  • Type II: Here the body produces insufficient insulin OR if the body does produce insulin, it is unable to respond to the insulin or the insulin is used inefficiently. This is also known as insulin resistance.

According to the Center for Disease Control in February 2020, the following was found:

  • 34.2 million Americans, just over 1 in 10 have diabetes.
  • 88 million American adults have prediabetes, approximately 1 in 3.
  • For adults diagnosed with diabetes:
    • The percentage of existing cases was highest among American Indians/Alaska Natives. o 37% had chronic kidney disease (stages 1 through 4); and fewer than 25% with moderate to severe chronic kidney disease (stage 3 or 4) were aware of their condition.
  • For ages 10 to 19 years, incidence of type 2 diabetes remained stable among non-Hispanic whites and increased for all others, especially non-Hispanic Blacks.
  • The percentage of adults with prediabetes who were aware they had the condition doubled between 2005 and 2016, but most continue to be unaware. 

Learn how Eleotin® can be complementary to the treatment of diabetes.