Collection: Monthly Special - Eleotin® Gold - Buy 1 Set & Get 1 Set Free (30 capsules/bottle)

 **2nd Quarter Special 2024""

Starting  May 1 - August 30,  2024 our top selling Eleotin® Gold will be on sale when you buy our set of 3 bottles, you get an additional set free.  Our gift to you as we strike a mighty blow against diabetes. 

  *Note - we strongly recommend you do a 10 day cleanse and order two bottles of our gentle detox the "Eleotin Kalimera" to help maximize nutrient absorption while purging the gut and colon BEFORE & AFTER you have completed each round of the Eleotin Gold set.

Use the below complimentary 10%discount code at checkout!


Get started today in doing your part as we make healthy your new happy!

 Team JAG!

1 product