Eleotin® Kalimera Mg is an all natural gut rebalancing detox blend with aloe and celery. The safe alternative to poisonous and symptomatic laxatives.
Good health starts in the colon. Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to strengthen the body and tonify your Qi and as a liver tonic. Used in herbal medicine as a demulcent to help soothe irritation/inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrate, fats, and proteins.
- t's always a good time to start a gut colon cleanse/detox. We should aim to cleanse and detox our bodies at least 4 times a year in alignment with the seasons. It's important for your gut health. We also highly recommend taking this product BEFORE taking the Eleotin® Gold to prepare the body for optimum absorption.
- Long term use of traditional pharmaceutical drugs can ravage the body, especially vital organs over time causing permanent, irreparable damage.
- Hit the reset button with Eleotin® Kalimera, a gentle herbal cleanse product that is scientifically proven safe, even for diabetes patients. It is designed to aid healthy blood glucose control.
- Eleotin® Kalimera means "Good Morning" in Greek and is made of high quality 100% all-natural ingredients. It safely helps to curb excessive appetites and improve significantly your bowel health.
Overall Summary
- A safe, gentle laxative that expedites naturally occurring bowel movements. Aids in helping to cleanse the body of toxins and parasites particularly necessary before starting a treatment plan or exercise regiment
- Assists with removal of waste from the body and strengthens the intestines
- This is a must-have essential item for diabetes patients
- Increased vitality and eyesight, weight loss, skin rejuvenation, decreased abdominal inflammation and hair loss
- Improved cognitive skills, vitality, reduction in migraines, menstrual cramps and cold symptoms
- It is helpful in reducing stress levels
Adults should take 2 capsules three times a day OR 6 capsules once a day (preferably at bedtime) with plenty of water on an empty stomach for 7 days minimum or up to 10 days maximum . For optimum benefit exercise moderately and massage your lower abdomen for five minutes before you sleep at night and right after you awake in the morning.
- Note - The directions on the bottle reads take 2 capsules once daily. That is for maintenance.
Medicinal Ingredients
Aloe vera 150 mg
Apium graveolens 165 mg 4:1 DHE: 660 mg
Ganoderma lucidum 120 mg 4:1 DHE: 480 mg
Medicago sativa 150 mg
Thiamine 15 mg
Zinc 30 mg
Also Kojak (elephant yam), Alfalfa, Celery, Anthraquinone compounds, Vitamin B1, Natural Fibers and more. Remember all supplements work best in conjunction with exercise, hydration and a healthy eating plan.
Non-Medicinal Ingredients
Magnesium stearate
Microcrystalline cellulose
Silicon dioxide
We recommend users stop taking any Omega fish oil or cod liver oil 2 days prior to taking Eleotin® Kalimera. Once you have completed taking the product, you can resume your normal routine. As always, check with your doctor before starting any new supplement.
*The ingredients for the various blends of Eleotin are listed on each Eleotin box or bottle with your order.